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Spa - Health and beauty to health.

Aroma Tech Therapy - beauty

Essential oils


Four Element Massage

Herbal compress.

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Elements of health and beauty spa.

"The International Spa Association" ( ISPA ) The definition of "Elements of a health spa and beauty" should consist of 10 important pillars.

1. Water Can be used in many forms, both inside and outside the spa. Was used as a component in service and decoration.

2. Nourishment such as health food, herbal drinks.

3. Movement, Exercise & Fitness,  Movement in the body, causing various interests together to create the energetic boost of energy, such as various types of exercise. Muscle relaxation.

4. Touch and Massage  Which can be considered as one important element. Massage experience that communicates a sense of feeling warm and relaxed. And treatment of pain and fatigue.

5. Body, Mind & Spirit Healing the body. Mind and spirit. Consistency between physical activity and a healthy mind and spirit with the environment.

6. Aesthetics Maintaining the beauty and the processes that use natural vegetation and herbs that affect the human body

7. Environment Consists of a good environment. The climate is right. The design patterns and relaxing atmosphere.

8. Art, Culture & Social. Is both a science and art to create enjoyment and memorable time to rest. And social well with peers

9. Time, Space, Rhythms The use of time and rhythm of life has its own health care. Has a healthy behavior change in accordance with the natural cycle

10. Management and Operation System have Management system.

 "Health spa" is the operation to provide care and health. It consists of a core service. Services for different types of services. Massage for Health and health service use are activities that should be provided in the menu. To entice customers to make service more frequent and more diverse in the spa. Examples of such activities.

Exercise for health.

• Aerobic The exercise to burn fat in the body by using different muscles. The benefits of aerobics to increase your heart rate is 50-90%.
• Fit Ball Fitness ball exercise to help focus the administration on the body from the back, shoulders, abdomen, thighs, hips and buttocks to control the rebound of the ball while playing to help strengthen the muscle. Optimizing the balance. And behavior of individual organs in relation to each other.
• Chi Ball Advantage over the ball. Balance and vitality to body, mind and spirit, allowing power to flow through the balance of the body slowly. Along with making it feel calm and relaxed. And adds flexibility to the muscles around the ribs and diaphragm. Lose weight. The precise area of ​​his waist and hips.
• Fitness/Gym The method is flexible. And the strength of the body. An exercise program to improve the shape-fitting shape, lose fat or build muscle.
• Boxing Is the art of traditional Thai exercise. To burn calories. The most comprehensive one. It also learned in the martial arts disciplines in the field.
• Pilates The Philadelphia native's play. Will exercise the muscles toned and strong, flexible, combines the powers of the body to return to the peace of mind. Keeps muscles toned beautiful dancer. And personality style exercise moves to a new popularity among celebrities like Madonna and Sarah Jessica Parker, a half-hour of continuous play on a regular basis. It allows blood vessels, heart, lungs and bone strength.
 • Tai Chi The traditional Chinese martial arts. The relationship between deep breathing exercises. Movement of the body moves slowly. That the integration between body and mind.

Meditation and yoga.
• Meditation (Meditation) is a psychological practice. You can practice a variety of ways. Such as breathing, walking with a mental blank Jongkol advantage is that it helps reduce stress. And relieve fatigue. It also promotes health throughout the body.
• Qi Gong (Qi Jong) in the treatment of traditional Chinese medical science. Combining movement and breathing exercises together. To help strengthen the body and mind. And, if the practice continued to a certain extent it can help treat the disease.
• Reiki (Reiki) is defined as the energy within the body through the hands and transferred to other organs. Is a Japanese technique. Chong to relax. And the flow of energy within the body, the mind is calm. And help restore the body's architecture as well.
• Yoga (Yoka) is the science of ancient India. Spanning. The breath. Stretching and stretch the body parts of the body organ that helps to increase circulation. Flexibility. And the strength of the body. Based on the balance between the outer body and mind.

Baking to be divided into two types.

• How to do laundry.
The sauna-like huts made of pine wood in pieces or as a derivative of the overlap with the fibers used as insulation. To prevent heat from leaving the room. And keep the heat in the drying time. The rooms have wooden floors and pine for the rest while in the sauna. The dry heat. The pine trees will help absorb the density of the heat in the sauna. In the sauna is used to pour buckets of water on the stove stones. Which make up the steam. The temperature of the sauna is between 50-80, Stann Creek West.

• steam.
Steam to heat water. The maximum temperature of steam treatment is 45 degrees Celsius and humidity is about 92-97%.

The steam can be divided into two types.

A steam room (Steam Cabinets).
The steam cabinets are designed for customers to sit alone. And exposed parts of the head, the door opens.

The steam (Steam Room).
Steam for a variety of customer service. In the same period. Treatments that have been very popular. Duration of the steam is heated until it depends on the size of the room. A small single customer. To large customers that contain more than 10 people.

Alternative Medicine.

Alternative medicine means. Treatment of illness or by other means. The procedures in addition to treatment has been recognized in the field of medical science. Not known how common such as acupuncture, massage therapy, hypnosis, etc..
• Acupuncture.
How to treat a form of Chinese energy consumption within the body heal itself. Acupuncture needles are used to clean a small needle into the skin to reflect the various points throughout the body.
• Treatment with essential oils.
The essential oils extracted from plants and then blended into medicine. Herbs for health. And emotional healing.
• hypnosis
A combination of physiology or psychology, psychiatry, public hygiene. Medicine and Science together.

Statement of purpose, there are many aspects, such as hypnosis.
1. Health, beauty, such as weight loss.
2. The study will concentrate better. Add memory and ability in sports.
3. Eliminate bad habits such as smoking and alcoholism.
4. Solve problems relating to his brain, too, such as insomnia, nervous tension.

Nutrition and diet therapy. Spa for the most part focused on the food without fat. Low cholesterol. Fresh or slightly sweet taste to the delicious food but not water in the spa needs to be updated. Develop food easy to digest and nourish the skin, but enough energy to stay healthy. Spa cuisine, mainly to show the amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fats in the diet. The raw material used by the most commonly used herbs and vegetables are grown.

Massage Therapy.

• Talalai Thai massage.
With the proper massage techniques that will contribute to good results. The blood ran along the lines. In the linear Does not cause pain.

• Aroma Massage.
The use of massage oil, a key part of the essential oils. Combined with specific massage techniques that help to create an uplifting emotional smell the body, making skin smoother and reduces fatigue. Pain on the part of the body.

• Swedish Massage.
The Swedish massage is another way to help relax the body. And muscle. The rub in the direction of blood flow to the heart and apply pressure with the bending, stretching to loosen muscles. Increase the amount of oxygen in the blood stream and a waste from the body. The massage was relaxing during a massage.

• Foot Reflexology Massage.
Reflexology foot massage using finger. The wooden foot massage pressure points. Including foot and toes. This reflects the different organs of the body's balance system within the body. Promoting blood circulation to the feet. A comfortable and relaxed. Fatigue system.

• Sport Massage.
The massage oil was applied to supplement or treatment. The massage was by the use of elbow room at the strength and depth than other types of massage. It is very popular for athletes. And those who prefer a hard massage. To reduce pain and fatigue. And relax more.

• Hot Stone Massage.
The massage oil was supplemented by the application of massage with stones. Hot Stone Massage is a relaxing way to enjoy it because the weight evenly and equally strong.

• Facial Massage.
Massage therapy helps symptoms of stress and the facial muscles. Reducing stress to a certain extent. It also stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic system on the face. The facial muscles firm. Flexible skin that not flagging down help reduce wrinkles. Skin wrinkles on the face. In addition, the facial skin to restore moisture, shine quickly. To encourage the active surface. Fit is always tight. As if the skin takes to exercise.

 • Balinese Massage.
Massage is a massage with rolling hard pressed deep into the muscle tissue. To loosen the muscles. And abate fatigue of the body. It is caused by stress. Fatigue. Moves of Arroyo's only a gentle beauty.

• Thai herbal Massage bag.
Compress with a mixture of finely ground herbs, lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves, tamarind and camphor compliance. All the ingredients to stimulate blood circulation. Relieve pain and fatigue of muscles. The fragrance of herbs. Contribute to the stress very well.

• Salt Glow.
The scrub is a way to help keep your skin clean. Smooth and moisturize the skin to remain. The skin is pink and smooth skin.

• Polamai Thai Wrap.
Body wrap with a fruit that is rich in vitamins and enzymes. Gives a bright white glow.

• Thai Herbal Wrap.
Wrap technique. And property from natural herbs. Useful to remove dead skin cells and helps maintain skin strength in football.

• Mud Wrap.
The introduction of cloning has come from many countries such as the Dead Sea, Romania or Thailand in the mud. The polished and plastered surfaces. Skin that is always new. Makes the skin smoother.

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